Dear colleagues and partners,

The rectorate of the Medical University of Graz is pleased to announce the launch of the new Clinical Fellowship Program, an opportunity for physicians in the field of human medicine and dentists who want to gain clinical experience to enhance their qualifications and progress their career through a practical hands-on experience at the LKH-University Hospital Graz for a minimum duration of 3 and a maximum duration of 12 months. “The Clinical Fellowship provides international fellows with an excellent clinical and scientific training program in Graz”, states the Vice-Rector for Clinical Affairs, Andreas Leithner.

Please note that unlike for other mobility programs the International Office does not actively place candidates at the clinical departments and divisions but the potential fellows have to initiate contact with the desired host unit themselves. Personal, professional contacts often form the basis for successful collaboration and we therefore suggest to make use of initial opportunities of site-visits to form these relations.

Clinical fellows from partner institutions are exempt from the 700 EUR administration fee.

More information about the program and the application process can be found here:

Should you have any questions, please contact Eva Weixler at the International Office:; +43 316 385 71628.

We would be very grateful if you could circulate this information within your institution. Thank you!

Best regards from Graz, Austria

Heidi Moertl